Monday, August 10, 2009

My Pledge

Ladies and gentlemen, gentlemen and ladies.

I am aware that I am new to this arena, as it only recently occurred to me to share my vast knowledge of all things that are right with the rest of the globe. But I already feel a sense of loyalty to anyone who stumbles upon this particular piece of bandwith in their travels through the information superhighway.

To provide you with the best experience that I can here at Rocko’s Reviews, I am making a pledge, nay- a vow. A promise on par with that of Hamlet to his father’s apparition. A commitment stronger than Bruce Wayne to fighting injustice. A bond to match Larry King’s wedding vows. Well, perhaps a lot stronger than that last one, but you get the idea.

Here and now, on this day, now Monday, August 10, 2009, I, Rocko Reynolds, do hereby pledge that as the creator and primary purveyor of quality rightitude, there shall be at least one new post, every day. For a year.

It may not always be from me, and it may simply be a re-printed review from a third-party source that has passed my patented Right Check, but I vow to you to provide quality, interesting, and- perhaps most importantly- new content every single day, for an entire year.

I encourage- nay, beg- that you keep me honest in this quest. Through comments, Facebook, and Twitter, communicate with me so I can better teach you the rightability you’re seeking. If there’s a movie, book, or game you want to be able to utilize to wipe that snarky grin off of Mark, the asshole in Accounts Payable who thinks he’s so smart, let me know and I’ll get right on it.

Let the ride begin my friends.


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