Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Book News is a pain to find...

I had to share this with all of you and openly asking for help with this. For those who haven’t listened to it, check out the Audio page to listen to a podcast I have created called Spine Breakers. It is a podcast about books, book reviews, and like topics. The first episode surprised me with the reaction that we have received, there are a lot of book people out there and the reaction overall is positive to go and continue the podcast in full force.

Part of my job on the podcast is not only organize what we talk about, but rather organize what we will talk about. Now some parts are easy, pick a book to review and review it. However one segment that I take on the the Newsprint. This is a section of the podcast where we talk about news stories that have to deal with books. I introduce the topic, and we then discuss the potential effects of said story. Now I also deal with the Main Event, a round table discussion on a general topic. Now for the next episode the discussion is going to be about a tech/book story that was in the news recently, therefore I can not mention it in the newsprint.

So now I have been looking online for book news not related to the biggest story and guess what…NOTHING.  Well I shouldn’t say that, but when it comes to book news you mainly will find book reviews and interviews with authors.  Granted this is a good for people who want to know about the released, but if you are looking for news news in regard to the publishing industry, you are not going to find much.

Publisher’s Weekly is the only website (to my knowledge) to have an entire section dedicated to news news issues with books.  The majority of the time I can pick a few articles there and be find, but I do not want to solely rely on that source.  I tried newspapers book sections, the major websites for news, and some google news filters but guess what I come up with?  Yup book releases and interviews.

By far this part is tricky since I like to have at least 3 stories, at the moment for the entire month of August.  I have found two…particularly not the greatest of topics.  However I am hoping that between now and when we record the podcast something else will come about to replace the subjects.  If you have some website/blog you can point me to, to help me out with this let me know in the comments I be happy to check it out.


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