I read an article last month on “Economics and the Current Financial Crisis” that was one of the most informative and insightful perspectives that I had found on our nation’s economic state. (http://www.gostrategic.org/index.cfm?pageID=253#) This article led me to purchase a book by the author, Dennis Peacocke, entitled “Doing Business God’s Way.” This is an excellent handbook for approaching economics from a biblical perspective.
Some of my current reads are exposing me to our critical need for a sound biblical worldview through which we can see all of the components of our world and culture accurately. Of course, this statement presupposes that there is in fact an accurate way to see things, thus implying that there is an opposing inaccurate way to see things. This presupposition is grounded in the acknowledgement and belief that in spite of what secular humanism and cultural relativism have so subtly taught us, there remains a right and wrong perspective and a subsequent course of action that ensues. Perhaps a little heavy for a simple book review, but significant nonetheless, as Peacocke begins his discourse of a biblical ethic towards economics with examining the relationship between a person’s and a nation’s philosophy toward life and its effects on poverty and wealth on both respectively.
Why I Would Recommend This Book
It’s simple really. Economics is an absolute, unchangeable reality of life that cannot be argued or ignored. Times of instability are perfect opportunities for kingdom leaders to arise with divine solutions. The biblical character of Joseph in the book of Genesis is a perfect example of this (Genesis 41:28-38). These divine solutions are the culminating effect of a character that has been thoroughly proven, a worldview that has been accurately shaped, and a wisdom that has been divinely inspired. These are the responses that God’s people can and I believe should be making in this hour, not reactions induced by and with fear.
I’ve studied numerous books on the subject of leadership, business management, organizational systems and structures, etc. What I have found in “Doing Business God’s Way”, however, has opened up a whole new world of thinking as it relates to leadership, management, ownership, and money. I have been severely challenged to be more intentional with my leadership and productive with my stewardship. Dennis’ book is not a lifeless documentary on what some view as a stale subject carrying negative emotions from high school or college. The principles in this book are biblical, they are relevant, they are fresh, and they are timeless. You’ll be inspired and equipped to look at all of life from parenting, creating, leading, and owning differently.
Excerpt of “Doing Business God’s Way” – (Partial) Table of Contents
Chapter 1: God is Building a Family Business – God is the Creator of Private Property
Chapter 2: Maturity Comes by Stewarding Property – We grow by Caring for People and Things.
Chapter 3: Generational Wealth and the Family Unit – All Lasting Wealth Comes Through the Family Unit and is Built Generationally.
Chapter 4: Our God Loves to Work – Work is a Holy, Everlasting Calling
Chapter 5: The Product of the Family Business is Service – Service is the Foundation of all Lasting Growth
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